Page last updated at 09:33 GMT, Thursday, 26 March 2009

Psycho music score fails to sell

Janet Leigh in the notorious shower scene in Psycho
The shower scene is one of the most famous scenes in cinema history

The score to Alfred Hitchcock's horror movie Psycho, failed to be sold recently, Bonhams auction house said.

The 20-page work has been withdrawn from a sale after it failed to make its minimum price of £30,000.

The music for the 1960 thriller, starring Anthony Perkins, was composed by Bernard Herrmann.

The manuscript includes the infamous violin sounds used to accompany the scene when actress Janet Leigh is murdered in the shower at Bates Motel.

The scene has become one of the most famous in cinema history and the movie is now considered to be one of Hitchcock's greatest films.

It went on to be nominated for four Oscars, including best director.

Bonhams had hoped the work would sell for up to £40,000 and is now being returned to Herrmann's third wife, Norma.

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