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Last Updated: Friday, 26 October 2007, 17:33 GMT 18:33 UK
Turkey demands PKK extraditions
Turkish guns on Iraq border. 26 Oct
Turkey has been massing troops along the Iraq border
Turkey has given Iraq a list of Kurdish rebels and demanded their extradition.

Turkey's deputy leader said the list was handed to an Iraqi delegation visiting Ankara. It was not immediately clear how many names it contained.

The visit is an attempt to avert a threatened Turkish ground attack on PKK rebel bases inside Iraq.

However, correspondents say there are reports of deep Turkish disappointment at the series of proposals offered by the Iraqi team to curb PKK operations.

Air raids

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek said on CNN-Turk television: "We gave a list of PKK leaders and asked for help from Iraq."

Mr Cicek said every PKK member in northern Iraq "is guilty. They are criminals at least for being a member of a terrorist group. We want all of them to be handed over."

Turkey has warned it will not tolerate more cross-border raids by Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) rebels.

PKK rebels in Iraq. File
Formed in late 1970s
Launched armed struggle in 1984
Dropped independence demands in 1990s
Wants greater autonomy for Turkey's Kurds
Leader Abdullah Ocalan arrested in 1999
Ended five-year ceasefire in 2004

Its military has been shelling suspected rebel bases after massing troops along the border in recent days.

On Friday, Turkish jets and helicopters carried out bombing raids on PKK positions along the border but it is unclear whether they ventured inside Iraq.

The Iraqi delegation, including Defence Minister Abdul-Qader Mohammed Jassim and US officials from the embassy in Baghdad, held talks with Turkey's Foreign Minister Ali Babacan and interior ministers.

The BBC's Jonny Dymond in Ankara says Iraq's promises to close PKK offices do not go far enough for Ankara.

Turkey wants the mountain bases of the group in the far north of Iraq closed and the leadership of the organisation handed over, he says.

The furthest the Iraqis appear prepared to go is to disrupt the movement of the PKK and close offices related to their activities, our correspondent says.

The two days of talks come amid intense diplomatic pressure on Turkey to show restraint.

Tensions reached boiling point last Sunday after the PKK attacked a Turkish military patrol, killing 12 soldiers. Turkey has confirmed another eight are missing.

Under public pressure to act, Turkish officials have made clear the talks could be the last chance to avert serious military action.

"Although we respect the territorial integrity and unity of Iraq, Turkey is running out of patience and will not tolerate the use of Iraqi soil for the purpose of terrorist activities," Turkish President Abdullah Gul said.

Turkish military and civilian leaders have also recommended economic measures against northern Iraq, which relies heavily on Turkey for food and electricity.

The PKK - which is designated a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the US, and the EU - is thought to have about 3,000 rebels based in Iraq.

Mother of PKK rebel who died explains why he fought

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